Wesco Servamus May 2024

Recording a crime scene is a skill that
involves creating a precise replica of the
crime scene, for the benefit of the court or
aiding in an investigation. This process is
crucial for solving a case and the successful
conviction of offenders. Accuracy is paramount, as the effectiveness of an investigation hinges on the thorough and meticulous processing of the crime scene.
Wesco Servamus March 2024

Upon the arrival of the SAPS at a crime
scene, the first responder, whether a neighbourhood watch member, private security
officer or civilian, will hand over the scene with all pertinent information about the scene to the first police member who arrives on the scene. This is typically a VISPOL (uniformed) member from a local police station.
Wesco Servamus February 2024

A professional approach towards crime scenes is crucial due to the unique natuire of each incident. While it is impossible to create a one-size-fits-all approach, establishing guidelines is essential for managing situations professionally.
Wesco Servamus January 2024

In the intricate world of criminal justice, a crime is decribed as behaviour punishable as a public offense.
Terminal Ballistics in Practice: Real-World Applications and Forensic Case Studies

Discover the real-world applications of terminal ballistics in forensic science. This article covers practical case studies and how terminal ballistics principles are applied in real forensic investigations, providing a practical understanding of its role in criminal analysis.
Exploring Bullet Dynamics and Forensic Impact – PART TWO

Delve into advanced insights on terminal ballistics with our comprehensive guide. This article explores the dynamics of bullet behavior and its significant impact on forensic analysis, offering a deeper understanding of how these factors influence crime scene investigations.
The Critical Role of Terminal Ballistics

Part One of our series on terminal ballistics explores the critical role this field plays in forensic analysis. Discover key insights into how bullet performance and impact behavior influence crime scene investigations and forensic evaluations. This guide provides foundational knowledge essential for understanding the complexities of terminal ballistics.
Mastering Fingerprinting Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide to Forensic Analysis

Unlock the secrets of effective fingerprinting with our comprehensive guide to forensic analysis. This article delves into advanced techniques for capturing and analyzing fingerprints, offering practical insights and tips for forensic professionals. Whether you’re looking to refine your skills or understand the latest advancements in fingerprinting technology, this guide provides valuable knowledge to enhance your forensic expertise.
Frans van der Merwe – The Unsung Hero of Forensic Investigation

Delve into the groundbreaking work of Frans van der Merwe in forensic science. Our article highlights his significant contributions to the field, from innovative techniques to key research findings, and examines how his work has shaped contemporary forensic practices. Gain insights into Merwe’s impact on forensic science and his role in advancing the field.
Newsletter April 2024

* Message from our public relations officer, Lettie Stander.
* Did you know?
* Wesco Fingerprinting Course: A Testimonial.
* Topic of the Month: Documenting the crime scene: capturing the crime scene through a lense.
* In-house Training info