Newsletter June 2024

* A shout out from Lucas Visser.
* What’s new?
* Meet Johan Fourie, a Collision Reconstructionist.
* Meet our new Private Investigator, Sarel Botha.
* Topic of the month: Vehicle collisions – Vehicle Roadworthiness.
* Info on Online courses.
Newsletter May 2024

* A shout out from Frans v d Merwe, Director Training & Forensic Specialist.
* What’s new?
* Future endeavours.
* Topic of the month
Can forensic science determine whether a person was pushed or fell from a height?
* Article: Human Trafficking by Laurie Pieters-James.
Newsletter March 2024

* A shout out from Wessie van der Westhuizen.
* Did you know?
* In-house training info not to miss.
* Letter from chairman David Lekota.
* Topic of the month: Information on crime scenes, when SAPS take control – by Servamus.